Med. Massage
Medical Massages
What are Medical Massages?
In Medical Massage, identified problems and diseases are being addressed in a targeted manner.
Various manual techniques are being applied. A holistic and cause-oriented treatment is in the foreground.
Our Massage Services
Used for the following problems:
- General tension
- Problems with the musculoskeletal system
- Pain e.g. of the back, neck, or headache
- Circulatory disorders
- Stress
- Body out of balance
Used for the following purposes:
- Performance improvement
- Prevention from injuries
- Regeneration
- Pain relief
May be supportive for the following problems during pregnancy:
- Back pain
- General tension
- Tension in the lower back and abdomen
- Sleep problems and fatigue
- Stress
- General malaise
- Lymphatic Drainage can be very helpful regarding water retention
Used for the following problems:
- For edema (fluid retention in the tissue),
e.g. heavy legs in summer or during
pregnancy - Post-operative or post-traumatic edema, e.g. bruises,
sprains, muscle fiber tears, fractures, scars, etc. - For rheumatological and neurological diseases
- After liposuction (removal of fatty tissue) or
other aesthetic medical procedures.
Used for the following symptoms:
- Dysfunctions of the organs, e.g. digestive disorders
- Psychological problems, e.g. depressive moods
- Sleep disorders
- Stress
- General malaise
Used for the following problems:
- Adhesions of the connective tissue, weakness of the connective tissue
- Circulatory disorders
- Disorders of the organs
- Neurological diseases
Used in the following cases:
- Adhesions of the tissue
- Circulatory disorders
- Tension of the musculature and trigger points
Can achieve the following positive effects:
- Pain relief
- Reduction of swelling
- Improvement of muscle and joint function
Can achieve the following positive effects:
- Pain relief
- Improved muscle and joint function
- Increase blood circulation
- Loosening of tissue adhesions
- Decongestion
- Improved supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles
Used for the following items:
- General tension
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Pain eg of the back, the neck or headaches
- circulatory disorders
- stress
- imbalanced body
Used for the following purposes:
- performance increase
- prevention of injuries
- regeneration
- pain relief
Can help with the following symptoms during pregnancy:
- back pain
- General tension
- Pulling in lower back and abdomen
- sleep problems and fatigue
- stress
- General malaise
- Lymphatic drainage can be very supportive for water retention
Used for the following items:
- In the case of edema (fluid retention in the tissue)
eg with heavy legs in summer or during
pregnancy - Postoperative or post-traumatic edema eg bruises,
sprains, torn muscle fibers, fractures, scars, etc. - In rheumatological and neurological diseases
- After liposuction (liposuction) or
other aesthetic medicine procedures
Used for the following symptoms:
- Dysfunctions of the organs eg indigestion
- Mental problems such as depressive moods
- sleep disorders
- stress
- General malaise
Used for the following items:
- Bonding of the connective tissue, weakness of the connective tissue
- circulatory disorders
- disorders of the organs
- neurological diseases
Used in the following cases:
- tissue adhesions
- circulatory disorders
- Muscle tension and trigger points
Can achieve the following positive effects:
- pain relief
- reduction of swelling
- Improvement in muscle and joint function
Can achieve the following positive effects:
- pain relief
- Improved muscle and joint function
- increase in blood flow
- loosening of tissue adhesions
- decongestion
- Improved supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles
Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?
Contact us via Contact Form,
by phone or e-mail: