What is Osteopathy?
"Life is movement—movement is life".
"Life is movement -
Movement is life".
If the function of a structure in the body is disturbed, its movement is also restricted. The osteopath recognizes and treats this dysfunction by means of trained touch and pressure sensitivity of the fingers, as well as precise knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and restores normal mobility. When a structure is once again freely movable, it is also again well supplied with blood and the self-healing powers can work undisturbed. So it is not the principle of Osteopathy to look for disease or a restriction, but for free movement and health. Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of Osteopathy, put it this way: "Anyone can find illness, but finding health is the goal of the osteopath".
When is Osteopathy useful?
In principle, any living tissue is amenable to treatment. This means that people of any age and any constitution can be treated successfully.
The 3 pillars of Osteopathy
- 1. Man is an inseparable unit
- 2. Structure and function influence one another
- 3. Every body is able to heal itself
Bones, muscles, tendons, nerves Internal organs and all other tissues of the body are interrelated. Harmonious interaction of these tissues allows the body to function as a unit. If one tissue does not function well, the other structures therefore get also disturbed, become unbalanced and eventually fall ill.
The function of an organ determines its structure and vice versa. For example, using a particular muscle a lot, will cause it to grow. If you don't use it anymore, its structure atrophies.
This principle applies to all tissues of the human organism, including bones, internal organs etc. Osteopathy eliminates disturbed functions by helping the tissues and structures to regain their original movement. The structure can thus perform its function again without interference.
The 3 pillars of Osteopathy
1. Man is an inseparable unit
2. Structure and function influence one another
The function of an organ determines its structure and vice versa. For example, if you use a muscle a lot, it will grow. If you no longer use it, its structure atrophies.
This principle applies to all tissues of the human organism, including bones, internal organs etc. Osteopathy eliminates disturbed functions by helping the tissues and structures to regain their original movement. The structure can thus perform its function again without interference.
3. Every body is able to heal itself. It has self-healing powers
When does Osteopathy help?
During and after pregnancy
Back pain, water retention, breastfeeding problems, nipple inflammation, etc.
Babies and toddlers
Three-month colic, crying babies, sleep disorders, teething, neurodermatitis, cradle cap, malpositions, developmental disorders, etc.
Musculoskeletal system
Joint problems, spine problems, posture problems, whiplash injuries, etc.
Gynecology and men's health
Menstrual and menopausal problems, prostate problems, incontinence, abdominal discomfort, potency problems, etc.
Ear, Nose & Throat
Sinusitis, middle ear infections, dizziness, sore throat, pain swallowing, tonsillitis, ear and hearing problems, tinnitus, etc.
Internal medicine
Indigestion, difficulty swallowing, heartburn, bronchitis, asthma, circulatory problems, high cholesterol, etc.
Headaches, migraines, concentration problems, excessive sweating, etc.
States of exhaustion, sleep disorders, depression, etc.
Teeth grinding, bite disorders, tooth position problems, etc.
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